




try动词ing形式就是trying,意思是难受的、令人厌烦的、尝试着做某事等,造句如下:We are trying to assess how well the system works.我们正设法评估这个系统运行得是否顺畅。At least give him credit for trying.至少该表扬他尝试过。

尝试;努力 Whod like to have a try at it?谁想试试?【橄】持球触地得分 try /traI/ make an effort to do or get something试图;努力。例如可以这样造句 Ill try to learn French.我要努力学习法语。除此之外try还有一些要点:try后面接动词ing形式。

- 后面通常跟着一个动词的-ing形式。- 例句:If you cant sleep, try drinking a warm glass of milk before bedtime.(如果你睡不着,试试在睡前喝一杯温牛奶。

- I will try to finish my homework before dinner. (我将努力在晚餐前完成作业。)- She tried to solve the puzzle, but couldnt figure it out. (她试图解决这个谜题,但无法理清。)- He tried calling her, but she didnt answer the phone. (他试着给她打电话,但她没接电话。

语法结构不同 try to do sth:表示尝试去做某事,后接动词原形。try doing sth:表示尝试做某事,后接动词的-ing形式。例句:① I will try to solve the problem on my own.我会尝试自己解决这个问题。② She tried calling the customer service for assistance.她尝试打电话给客服寻求帮助。

该单词的ing形态是trying。“Try” 是尝试或试用的意思,它的进行时态是 “trying”。这个单词是动词 “try” 的现在分词形式,常用于描述正在进行的尝试或试验。例如,“He is trying to solve the problem”(他正在试图解决问题)。


try out造句:Im always pleased to try out a new variety.我一直乐于尝试新的品种。Try out a young quarter-back试用一名年轻的四分卫。The situation will improve only if we try out some bold.要突破目前的瓶颈必须采取大胆的对策。

I wanted to try the boat out next weekend.我想下个周末去试一下这艘船。Some owners wish they could try out the car in a race track.一些车主希望他们能在一条跑道上试一下那辆车。

Try out the demo software to get an idea of how it works.你可以尝试一下该软件的试用版本来了解它如何工作。

Why not try out his way?为什么不试试他的方法?Since I failed ,try out his way.既然我失败了,就试试他的方法。

software造句如下:Have you loaded the software?(你装上这种软件了吗?)Its about time we updated our software.(我们的软件应该更新了。)The security software he uses is home brew.(他用的安全软件是自己编的。

I have got to do my homework this Sunday.我这周日得做作业。 You should pay attention to your teacher in class.你上课要听讲。


1、take短语 take off(飞机)起飞,脱掉(衣服);take in吸收,上当;改小衣服;take away拿走;take out取出;take on雇佣,呈现;take down取下;take up占据时间、空间,开始从事,拿起。

2、come on赶快 get up起床 go home回家 come in进来 sit down坐下 stand up起立此类短语属于不及物动词,不可以带宾语。



1、The teacher walks into the classroom when classes begin.当上课的时候老师走进教室。He is always asleep in the classes 他上课总是在睡觉。She goes at the red light ,so she againsts the rules 她在红灯的时候走,所以违反规则。

2、Oil price is on the rise油价正在上涨 Marriages, indeed, are on the rise.结婚人数确实呈上升趋势。In other words, decentralism is on the rise.这就是说,分散主义发展了。she will succeed in the long run.她最终总会要胜利的。

3、nobody can be seccessful without effort.懂得没有人能够不努力就成功,是很重要的。 The designs require the investors surport.这个设计学要投资者的支持。 It should be noted here that the growth of child needs an safe environment.应该注意的是,孩子的成长需要一个安全的环境。

4、这棵病树已生长了好几百年了。 2body(身体;身躯)Exercise is to the body what thinking is to the brain.运动和身体的关系,如同思考和头脑的关系。 2begin(开始)Shes begun on (ie started writing or reading) a new novel.她已开始写(或阅读)一本新小说。


1、I see. 我明白了。 I quit! 我不干了! Let go! 放手! Me too. 我也是。 My god! 天哪! No way! 不行! Come on. 来吧(赶快) Hold on. 等一等。 I agree。 我同意。 Not bad. 还不错。1 Not yet. 还没。1 See you. 再见。

2、Life is painting a picture, not doing a sum.生活是绘画,不是做算术。既然没有人护我周全,那就酷到没有软肋。It is never too late to have a happy childhood,but the second one is up to you and no one eles.拥有一个快乐的童年永远都不晚。这取决于你而不是别人。

3、agree with同意……意见;符合;一致 I certainly agree with that. 我当然同意。ask for请求;询问 We ask for the cooperation of all concerned.我们请求一切有关方面给予合作。


1、try out造句:Im always pleased to try out a new variety.我一直乐于尝试新的品种。Try out a young quarter-back试用一名年轻的四分卫。The situation will improve only if we try out some bold.要突破目前的瓶颈必须采取大胆的对策。

2、I have tried out this puzzle.我尝试了这个谜题。I wanted to try the boat out next weekend.我想下个周末去试一下这艘船。Some owners wish they could try out the car in a race track.一些车主希望他们能在一条跑道上试一下那辆车。

3、Im always pleased to try out a new variety 我一直乐于尝试新产品。Try out the menu on a few friends 让几个朋友尝尝这道菜。

4、I can stay only a few minutes.今晚我一定去看你, 即使我只能停一会儿。T-it was late, we decided to set out.虽然已经晚了, 我们还是决定动身了。I will try it, though I may fail.即使我可能失败, 我也要试一下。He is better, though not yet cured.他好一点了, 虽仍未痊愈。

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